
関西学院大学政治行動研究センター 第13回研究会のご案内


日時 2019年7月19日 午後3時30分から午後5時半程度まで

会場 関西学院大学上ヶ原キャンパス法学部棟3階中会議室

Speaker: Jamie Druckman(Northwestern大学)

Topic: The Intersection of Racial and Partisan Discrimination: Evidence from
a Correspondence Study of Four Year Colleges

Social decisions are often imbued with various types of biases. The
consequence can be discrimination against certain groups of people.
One of the more widely documented types of discrimination is
race-based – racial minorities frequently find themselves at a
disadvantage. Recent work also reveals partisan bias such that members
of one political party unfairly favor their co-partisans or
discriminate against members of the other party in social and economic
decisions. In this paper, we use a correspondence study to explore the
independent and intersectional impact of racial and partisan
discrimination in higher education. Specifically, we investigate
responsiveness to e-mail requests for information sent to admissions
departments at four-year colleges in the United States. While we find
some evidence for partisan discrimination, our central finding is that
African-Americans who reference politics of any sort receive
substantially fewer responses. This coheres with the theory of racial
threat: members of a majority group are averse to minorities who might
threaten their political, economic, or social status.

